Tutorial Energy-efficient fluid systems: optimisation and validation using technical operations research

The Tutorial

Students will learn methods for describing the properties of pumps and valves. They acquire knowledge of the influence of load on operation of the individual components as well as the mutual interaction of components within a fluid system. The students gain competences for the systematic and goal-oriented design of fluid systems by means of mathematical optimization methods.

Organisational matters

regular cycle summer and winter semester
dates 09.09. – 20.09.2024
Form of examination
  • Practical Performance (30 %)
  • Evaluation (50 %)
  • Report (20 %)
Contact Julius Breuer


The registration has to be done by mail to the contact person mentioned above. Subsequently, a registration can be made in TUCaN. The number of participants is limited to 8.


Every participant will receive an introductory script by mail shortly before the tutorial. This has to be studied before the start of the tutorial. Further preparations are not necessary.